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Showing posts from August, 2018

Eating At Hawker Center (吃在小贩中心)

If you come to Taiping, don't miss to enjoy the foods in Taiping hawker centers. 如果有来太平,请别忘了品尝小贩中心的美食。 Mee rebus also known as Java mee (noodles) with 'leng chee kang' (lotus seed soup). 爪哇面和四果汤。 The Stall 75 wanton mee or wanton noodles is a must try. Highly recommended by my bro and remember to order it 'dry'. 75号档的云吞面是我好兄弟强力推荐的。别忘了要‘干’的。 The fish ball kway teow (ricecake strips) is uniquely Taiping dish. It is a must try also. 炒鱼丸粿条是太平特有的面食,必须尝试。

Kuala Sepatang (十八丁)

A fishing boat returned with a night's catch. 渔船满载而归。 A view of Kuala Sepatang river mouth. 十八丁渔港一览。 Salted fish in the making. 晒咸鱼。 Another view of fishes being dried under the sun. 鱼干正在被暴晒。 Dried small shrimps for sale.  虾米待售。 十八丁距离太平市大约四十分钟的车程。它以海产闻名。 Kuala Sepatang is about 40 minutes drive from Taiping town. It is famous of its sea products.

The Enchanted Lake Garden (风光明媚太平湖)

我个人认为,游玩太平湖的最佳世间是在清晨,太阳还未出来时。这时的太平胡不止有朦朦胧胧的美,同时也可以看到早起的鸟儿。 Personally I think that the best time to visit Lake Garden is in early morning before sunrise. Lake Garden in the morning would be blanketed by a layer of fog as if a pretty lady in a veil. Also we can also see many early birds to get their first worms!

Cendol And Pasembur (煎蕊与鱼青)

There are many places that we can enjoy 'cendol' and 'pasembur' in Taiping. The most recommended ones are the Ansari Famous Cendol and the Bismillah Cendol. For your information, 'pasembur' is a type of Malaysian salad and 'cendol' is a type of sweet desert that may be consumed with sticky rice and red beans and other items as requested by customers. 在太平有很多地方可以吃到煎蕊与鱼青。大家介绍的有两家: Ansari 和 Bismillah Cendol. 煎蕊是一种大马甜品而鱼青是本地的沙律。把'pasembur'叫成‘鱼青’的来由不明。

Breakfast At Sam Ong Yeah (三王爷庙吃早点)

三王爷庙是一个私人的民间庙宇,庙前路边有小店买面食及饮料,只限上午而已。 Sam Ong Yeah Temple is a private owned temple. There are stalls selling noodles and drinks in front of the temple, just beside the main road. Business hour is limited to morning session only. 干捞叉烧面配奶茶堪称开胃经济绝配。 Dry served barbecue meat with milk tea can be touted as appetizing economic couple.    当然,加里面也不错的如果你不怕辣的话! Of course, the curry noodle is also excellent if you can stand the heat!

Burmese Pool (缅甸泳池)

Burmese pool is one of those waterfalls near Lake Garden and it is situated at the foothill of Bukit Larut. With clear and cool flowing water from the mountain range, it is a place for picnic and recreation. Other than that, there one can find useful plants of medicinal potential. 缅甸泳池位于太平山脚下,靠近太平湖。由于原自山脉的河水清澈微冷,此地自然的成为休闲的好去处。除此之外,还有不同种类的药草。 Some flora and fauna 动植物 Calamus rotang 藤 Peristrophe japonica 九头狮子草 Trevesia palmata 刺通草 A forest sknik 铜蜓蜥

Maxwell Hill (太平山)

The scenery from the top 山顶的风景 Waterfall along the way 沿途的瀑布 Selected local plants 本地植物 Foreign introductions 外来植物 马来西亚的霹雳州,太平市有一个太平山;香港也有一个太平山。太平的太平山先称‘拉律山Bukit Larut。旧称麦斯威尔山Maxwell Hill。它的自然热带雨林风景及动植物吸引了无数的国内外的游客。每年都会有很多观鸟爱好者特地从老远来观鸟。 老太平人都会吧太平山称为咖啡山。大约在三十年前,就听说咖啡山上闹鬼并有人听到夜间有老虎吼叫的声音。当然,太平山顶紧接原始森林;听到虎吼并不出奇。 The Chinese name for Hong Victoria Peak is 太平山 which is the same as the 太平山 in Taiping. But both are different hills obviously. The scenery of tropical rain forest together with the associated flora and fauna attracted countless of tourists from inside and outside of the country each year; including of those bird watchers. These folks willing to travel from afar just to catch a glimpse of rare birds here. Old Taiping folks like to call Bukit Larut as 'Coffee Hill' perhaps of the place was once the house of a coffee plantation. About some 30 years ago, there were rumors about the Bukit Larut being haunted; and...

A Tree That Is Named After Taiping (以太平命名的树)

This is the yellow saraca tree and its scientific name, saraca thaipingensis is named after the town of Taiping in Perak even the tree can be found across Southeast Asia.This plant normally grows along the streams under the shade of other trees. 这是黄无忧树,它的学名 saraca thaipingensis 是以太平市镇命名的;虽然这树不是太平独有的植物。在野外这树生长与有溪流的树荫下。